UNIMET - Mixed-signal testers

UNIMET - Mixed-signal testers

UNIMET serves as a universal laboratory benchtop platform for semiconductor testing. The UNIMET 2020, when used with a range of test adapters, enables the testing of semiconductors, discretes, integrated circuits (ICs), memories, relays, VLSI, and more.

In conjunction with various Test Adapters (TAs), the UNIMET 2020 is an optimal choice for RAD-HARD testing.

Without the use of TAs, the UNIMET 2020 is suited also for ASIC testing.

UNIMET 2020 represents a unique and flexible linear and mixed signal test platform for cost effective tes ...
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TA37 is designed to be used together with either UNIMET 1037 or UNIMET 2020. TA37.TIM extension allows to ...
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